
Certificated and ESP Contracts

Master Agreements

Negotiated master agreements between HCEA and HCPSS

Our union contracts are negotiated by a team of HCEA members with the Howard County Board of Education. The resulting agreements define our pay and working conditions, benefits, rights and privileges, and much more. Our contracts also specify what happens in the event of a dispute over interpretation of the agreement, including grievances and binding arbitration.

Salary Scales

2022-2023 Salary Scales

Highlights of the 2022-2023 Agreements

Certificated Highlights


  • Cost of living increase: Increases are relative to the June 30, 2022 salary scales, not the 2021-2022 Temporary Scales that are currently in place. HCPSS commitment to future COLA increases to in alignment with Blueprint salary requirements.
  • National Board Certified (NBC) teachers: $10,000 annual supplement for NBCT’s who are primarily responsible
    for teaching students in the classroom, plus an additional $7,000 supplement for NBCT’s who teach at low-performing schools, as defined by the Blueprint law
  • Subbing during Planning: $55 payment for teachers who volunteer to substitute, or provide close adult supervision, during their planning period.
  • Retirement/resignation notice incentive: $750 early retirement notice incentive for teachers who notify HCPSS of their intent to retire/resign by March 1 of that year. (Changed from percentage of accumulated sick leave).

Planning Time

  • Elementary teachers: Additional 25 minutes of planning per week (now 325 total minutes per week) in blocks no shorter than 25 minutes. Regained provision that ensures at minimum of 30 consecutive minutes of planning time during each regular student day.
  • Secondary teachers: Additional 50 minutes per week of planning (330 total minutes per week).
  • Part-time teachers: Proportional increases to planning time for teachers at .70 FTE or greater.


  • Special educators: Special Education team leaders with student caseloads will receive 1 full day, or 2 half days per quarter for the purpose of completing casework. Team leaders may choose to
    distribute those days among their team members, if desired.
  • Telework: Expanded language to allow school-based staff to telework when students aren’t in the buildings. Non-school-based staff will be able to request telework days through their supervisor.

Leaves of Absence

  • Personal leave: Removed limitations on the number of days that can be taken consecutively.
  • 11-month and 12-month staff increase from 3 to 4 days a year.
  • Annual leave: Increased payout of unused annual leave at separation from 40 to 45 days;
    additional 2 days of annual leave for 12-month staff with 10+ years of service.
  • Family Crisis Leave Exchange: new provision allows for up to a 30-day donation of leave from your HCPSS- employed spouse (spouse can be in a different bargaining unit).


  • Voluntary transfers: new pilot program for voluntary transfers process that will include Job Fairs and the ability for candidates to request interviews with specific schools and principals.

ESP Highlights


  • New scales: Increase based off the June 30, 2022 salary scales, not the 2021-2022 Temporary Scales that are currently in place
  • Increased substitute pay for paraeducators: Paraeducators who substitute for less than half a day will be paid $18/hour in addition to their regular rate of pay (payable in 15 min. increments)
  • Food Service Employees: Starting rate increased to $15/hour

Workdays and Hours

  • Telework: Expanded language to allow school-based staff to telework when students aren’t in the Non-school-based staff can request telework days through their supervisor.
  • More hours for Student Assistants: Increased working hours (and pay) from 5 to 7 hours, which includes a 30-minute duty-free lunch.
  • Additional paid holidays: Addition of Juneteenth to the official holiday
  • Non-student time for Paras: Whenever possible, paras are allocated time during the work day to complete job-specific responsibilities that cannot be completed while working with students.


  • Administrator must demonstrate support in evaluations: Requires supervisor to include evidence that the employee has received assistance for observations less than satisfactory.
  • Due process rights: Expanded “just cause” language to include discipline as well as
  • Parity with Certificated unit: For example, under both contracts, the Superintendent must be available upon request to meet with representatives of the Association. The language also now better reflects that the Association President can potentially be from the ESP unit.

Leaves of Absence

  • Improvements to personal leave: Removes previous limitations on the number of personal days that can be taken consecutively. 11-month and 12-month staff increases from 3 to 4 days a year. New employees can access leave at 60 days instead of 120.
  • Sick leave: Staff who receive annual leave may now use sick leave for illness within their family (this was already available for staff who don’t receive annual leave).
  • Increase annual leave for 12-month employees: Minimum number of annual days increased from 12 to 18. New employees can access leave at 60 days instead of Unused annual leave can now be accumulated up to 45 days. Can also receive termination pay for up to 45 days of unused annual leave.
  • Family Crisis Leave Exchange: new provision allows for up to a 30-day donation of leave from your HCPSS- employed spouse (spouse can be in a different bargaining unit).


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