Have you thought of leading HCEA, MSEA, or NEA? Here’s your chance. This year we have seven HCEA Director positions along with delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly, July 2-7, 2016 in Washington, DC (for more information on the RA, visit ra.nea.org).
If you have interest in serving on the Board of Directors of HCEA, MSEA or NEA, or becoming a delegate to the NEA Convention, please complete the following steps.
- HCEA Board of Directors (7 Seats)
- HCEA Delegate to NEA Convention in Washington, DC (Candidates are strongly encouraged to file for election as an MSEA delegate as well, below, as it shifts the costs to MSEA).
- MSEA Board of Directors
- NEA Board of Directors (2 seats)
- MSEA Delegate to the NEA Convention